What are best practices for RFP writing?

General tips:

  • Don’t assume that researchers with relevant expertise are also familiar with the challenge and your industry.
  • Avoid or define acronyms and industry jargon.



  • Provide a background to the research or technology challenge, not the company.
  • Share context on the problem, why it matters and what you've done to solve it so far.




  • Limit the must-have requirements to no more than 5.
  • Preferred requirements are those that would favorably differentiate a submission that meets the must-have requirements.
  • Requirements should be as SMART as possible (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based). It’s critical to include quantitative measurements or standards, where applicable.
  • Don't limit your requirements to a US audience. For example, you might include statements like: "approved by regulators such as EPA or international equivalent." 



What we can offer you:

  • Include funding details (a range is suitable) and potential project duration.
  • Consider what researchers would not have access to on their own or would have to pay for. This may include facilities, compounds and reagents; tools and technologies. 
